Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Leonard Schlain 1937-May 11, 2009

In the center of an otherwise empty room stands an easel on which sits a newly finished painting. Beside the easel, a small worktable upon which are innumerable tubes of paint in various stages of apparent use. Brushes are scattered here and there, some very worn out and covered, likewise in paint. Some brushes are half submerged in a glass jar full of what smells like paint thinner. Before the easel, painting, and worktable stands a man admiring the newly completed work of art. Momentarily, a child joins the man; a boy of about eleven years who, likewise stands and stares up at the painting. There is a long silence as the two gaze at the painting, a masterwork of incredible detail and brilliant colour. The painting seems almost to change, the more one looks into it. It seems almost alive. “Magnificent, isn’t it?” says the man under his breath as he continues to stare. After some time has passed the boy looks up at the man and asks, “Who painted it?” The man rousing himself from apparent deep thought and reflection replies, “no one painted it.”
Someone must have painted it.
No, I’m afraid not. There’s no sign of any painter.
What about the painting?
What about the painting?
Isn’t the painting a sign of a painter?
Well, no, actually. The painting just became on it’s own. The painting simply is.
How can a painting paint itself? That’s silly.
No, that’s science. It isn’t as though it happened all at once. It took a very long time, you see. 13 billion years, I am told. The alternative is what’s silly.
I don’t see how the painting could just paint itself.
Well, isn’t it obvious? Look there. Do you see those brushes still wet with paint?
Clearly the paint on the canvas came from those brushes. Look there are the same colours….and there, do you see?
Well where did the paint on the brushes come from?
Don’t you see all of those tubes of paint? Look, some are half squeezed out. The paint on the brushes came from there. Any one can see that. It’s as plain as the nose on your face.
Where did the squeezed out tubes of paint come from then?
Why, the table that they’re sitting on, I expect.
How could they come from the table?
You ask a lot of questions, don’t you. I suppose that the table adapted to changes in this room over a long period of time and slowly changed into the tubes of paint, which in turn adapted to collectively contribute to the painting that we are both admiring now. It’s all right there. Quite an achievement. And all due to lust and danger. Creativity is based entirely on those two things. It is an entirely human endeavor.
If the table turned into the paint, why is there still a table there?
To hold up the brushes and the paint!
I don’t know…I still think somebody painted the painting.
Be careful. That’s sophistry, young man and verging on a dangerous belief system.
What’s sophistry?
A derogatory term used to describe arguments that cannot be explained within a system, arguments much like the one you are presently engaged in as there is clearly no sign of the so called “painter” that you seem so keen on presuming to exist. Every element in the painting is accounted for right here on the table. Any fool can see that and besides I cannot possibly conceive of any one person painting anything even close to the majesty of this great accident before us now. Why just look at the intricacies, the seamlessness of it all. Watch. Even as we speak, it is realizing itself! It appears to change as one looks into it! The moving image of changeless eternity, right here before our eyes. If there were a painter who could produce such magnificence, he would have to wield a mastery of the four elements that comprise the painting itself and are clearly at work within it right now. There is no such person and never has been.
Four elements?
Why, of course! Space, time, mass, and energy. The four pillars that sum up what you see before you, my boy! You seem to know very little about painting to be making such preposterous claims as you are! Painter indeed! Such notions are of the dark ages! I suppose next you’ll tell me that the painting isn’t flat. This painting is without a doubt the very vision that painters have foreseen throughout the history of painting, whether they knew what they were foreseeing or not. This must be the sum of the parts that have been gathered together bit by bit in bursts of realization by the great visionaries throughout all of history. Reality itself unfolding before our eyes. You should count yourself lucky. There are a great many before you who would have given their eyes for a glimpse of this.
It does make me think of some other paintings I’ve seen before.
Of course it does.
Or maybe the paintings I’ve seen before made me think of this.
That is quite enough of that, young man! I believe Blake’s work is down the hall if you are so inclined! Do you have any idea what you are saying? No, I think not. And even if you did, you would be assuming credit for something that cannot be realized unless collectively. Do not assume that you can just circumvent Alberti’s perspective, Newton’s mechanics, Kant’s arguments, Manet’s daring, Picasso’s vision, all of the great minds that have struggled to describe this anomaly before us and blurt out such ridiculous statements as you just have.  Were you raised by wolves? Helped found Rome, I suppose. 
Why collectively?
What’s that?
You said the painting was realized collectively.
Well, yes. Of course. In a way. It is all a matter of subjectivity. Do you know what that is?
Is it much like painting?
I suppose you might put it that way, actually. Subjectivity has to do with the idea that reality is not so fixed as it was once thought to be, but is subject to change due to one’s point of view. It is very difficult to wrap one’s head around. The great investigator, Albert Einstein…You’ve heard of him?
I think so.
Yes. Even he had a difficult time coming to terms with it.
Because, Einstein, brilliant as he was, developed a theory that could not be refuted, but was in itself a bit of a paradox. He said that what is real for one observer may just as easily be an illusion for another which means that there is really no frame of reference that can be considered constant aside from his theory itself. Do you understand?
You mean everything changes everywhere all at the same time no matter what?
Well, something like that.
That’s what this painting looks like to me. But that’s just me.
No, my boy, that’s everyone.
Not the painter.
Who made the painting. He knows what it looks like everywhere all at the same time because he painted it.
There you go with the painter again. I thought we were finished with such talk. Once and for all there is no painter. This painting is the grand sum of the collective vision that has marked all of history and nothing more. No one painted it. It just is and that is that.
Was it collected before it was here or was it here before it was collected?
You have a funny way of saying things, my boy. But that is precisely the question Einstein may have been getting at and not just Einstein, mind you. While Einstein was scratching out his theories, Picasso was painting them.
I’ve seen some of his paintings. They were brown.
Ah yes..and Braque.
No, Mostly brown with some grey.
What’s that..oh, no, no, not black, son, Braque, Picasso’s cubist comrade. His partner in light speed, if you will.
Light speed?
Why yes. Let me try to explain.  You see, if a train were to leave a train station at 186,000 miles an hour and, well…it is a bit confusing. The colours would all turn brown, you see and the clock would remain the same but it would appear to be in front of the train when it is, in fact, behind and also flat. Yes, flat like Greenberg was always rambling about….You aren’t following are you?
You are talking at 186,000 miles an hour.
Well, yes I suppose so. Look, the point is this. Aside from light speed, there is no constant point of reference anywhere ever. Reality is the sum of its experience. There it is.
So reality is what we want it to be?
Some would say that it is as we collectively foresee it. 
That sounds like magic!
The primitives certainly took it to be. Some might say that the primitives had a better look at it than did the Greeks. Have you heard of Aristotle?
Was Aristotle a Greek?
Yes. And it was he who developed the means of thinking that would allow Einstein the means to formulate as he did due to his use of syllogism. Syllogism is a way of thinking of things that allows the thinker to come to a conclusion. This allowed for people to communicate ideas about reality and prove things to be true and false due to Aristotle’s sequencing of time.
How could anything be true or false?
How’s that?
You said before that reality is the sum of it’s experience.
Then everybody’s experience is true.
Yes, but there are certain truths that we must…
Who must?
That we must agree on to have any rational discourse regarding…
What if I disagree with you?
Well, that is your experience, however…
But there are only two of us here. How could we tell which one is the right one?
Well, I suppose there would be no right one. But that’s beside the..
Then there IS a painter!
Oh..not the painter again.
What if the painter came back? Then there’d be two of us against you. What if the painter said you didn’t exist? Then what?
Well, then the painter would be wrong, for here I am.
How do you know?
Cogito ergo sum.
What does that mean?
It means that you have driven me to quote Descartes! You should become a politician, you know. You could drive a Clinton to confession!
I’d rather be an artist.  I like to make things.
Make things difficult for me, you mean.
I think you are making things difficult all by yourself.
You do, do you?
And why do you think that?
Well, just having to make up the story about the painting having no painter seems pretty difficult to me.
Young man, I am not making up anything. I am echoing the opinions of a great many of our surest thinkers, all of whom have, no doubt done more thinking than you. Of that much I am certain. Look, I’m not saying there is no intention behind the painting. I’m simply trying to explain to you that this painting before us is the result of a consensus turned paradigm, which eventually, according to Whitehead, when conformed to reality becomes truth. It isn’t so much a matter of either your truth or my truth, but rather our truths that contributes to reality and thus this painting here.
I don’t see how our truth is alike at all.
Perhaps I should tell you about the particle and the wave. Perhaps that might help. For a long time scientists believed that light traveled in waves, that light had characteristics akin to that of waves. Then Einstein came along and began to claim that light travels in and behaves more like particles…. And like waves.
At the same time?
Well, that is my point. You see when the scientists who were trying to get to the bottom of this really began to look a light, they found that when they watched for it to behave like a wave, it behaved like a wave but when they watched for it to act like a particle it did just that. Now how can this be?
Maybe it was tricking them.
Light doesn’t know how to trick people.
It knows how to act like a wave when you’re looking and a particle when you’re not. You just said so.
No, I said that it acted like…Niels Bohr. He figured it out eventually.
Did he trick the light?
Not so much as let the light have it both ways.
So he let it be both.
Wasn’t it already?
Wasn’t it what?
Bravo! Exactly. You see? You’re catching up to the light.
I’d rather not. I don’t want to be flat and brown.
But you see my point, don’t you? It all comes back to that subjectivity that we were talking about earlier. And it doesn’t just apply to light. It applies to everything.
So everything can be both?
Everything perceivable.
What about what isn’t perceivable?
Let’s not get into duality.
Why not?
Because duality and the human condition have much to do with one another and I for one like many others of my ilk believe that the human condition can be overcome and will be if given a bit of guidance and a bit of a push here and there in the right direction.
What’s wrong with it?
The human condition? Nothing that we cannot overcome and that is all I care to say about it.
Is it tricking, like the particles and waves?
Not so much as it is undecided. That is why some of us must help show it what it is to be.
How do you know what it is to be?
Why, through those great visionaries, the artists who have foreseen what is to come and physicists, who describe the nature of what is coming. Like the waves and particles, the two are complimentary. While unalike, they are the same. Human nature, like wise is, while paradoxical and divisive in nature, It is knowledge that will heal the division, knowledge that we have slowly recovered with each conceptual shift throughout history. With each scientific advancement and significant work of art, we regain what was lost at Babel. Ushering in a New Age of light!
The mythic event that tore our collective tower of knowledge to bits and divided mankind for millennia, yes. All of history has been of our agonizingly slow resumption of work on this mythic public monument to knowledge.
How can an event be mythic and historic?
Ah, now you’re catching on, young man. Perhaps a bit too quickly, in fact. Let’s just say that there was a bit of a misunderstanding created way back when between people that led to an inability to communicate correctly without the use of symbols. Language was rendered incomprehensible as human unity and communal determinism gave way to parochial suspicions and patriarchal religious systems, which have deterred the reconstruction of that great tower of our collective knowledge, Babel. The linear framework of language particularly found in Semitic cultures only served to contribute to this patriarchal framework that has been the source of much of the confusion and division between left-brain thinkers and right-brained foreseers. Much of the information that was lost at Babel has been, throughout history slowly and painstakingly reassembled by illuminated servants of the light who have passed it on from generation to generation through the use of symbols as opposed to linear lettering systems. It is the symbol, you see, that most resonates in the human psyche, both individually and collectively and it is through the use of symbols that artists and physicists, whether they are aware of it or not are at the forefront of expressing our humanist collective return to Goddess Reason while throwing off the shackles of blind faith in such arcane misadventures as belief in this painter that you insistently hold so dear, young man. Such fancies are divisive components of that patriarchal religious system that has suppressed the accumulation of knowledge and expression of universal mind throughout history and must be eliminated altogether if we are to realize the erection of our unifying Tower in the latticework of the space-time continuum and a return to a more serpentine cyclical understanding of the true nature of reality as was once held dear in the time of the gods. It was Prometheus that gave us fire and birthed the first of the physicists. It was Yahweh that shackled humanity to his ankle and He that kept our forefathers guessing in the dark. It was Yahweh that tore down Babel. But I’ve said too much, haven’t I? You haven’t the foggiest notion as to what I’m talking about have you? Well, no matter, never mind as they say.
Actually, I’m afraid I do.
What’s that? You do what?
Know what you’re talking about, Leo.
You do? How do you know my name? Do I know your father?
I don’t have a father, Leo. Do you mind if I paint a bit while we talk. Sit down, please.
Where did this chair come from?
The floor. It took a very long time.
My God.
Could have fooled me.
You painted this?
It’s a work in progress. You’re looking well, by the way. Any discomfort?
What do you mean?
I believe you were recently diagnosed with and cured of an ailment.
Still a bit foggy but mostly it’s cleared up, thank God.
You’re welcome.
I see…
I read your book, by the way.
Which one?
Art and Physics, I believe it was called.
Ah yes. What did you think? I’ve been told it was a bit drawn out.
I actually found it a short read and very enjoyable, as a matter of fact. I must confess, I came to appreciate the Fauves. Thank you for that.
You’re welcome.
Do you know, my mind is still made up about that Duchamp fellow.
Yes. As it turns out he was in on the whole Black Dahlia disaster in 1947.
Yes, it was in reaction to surrealism. You hit the nail on the head with Freud but you missed the Minotaur. Duchamp knew how to keep his mouth shut, that’s for sure. But it came out in his later work.
I had no idea.
Leo, there were some things there I was wondering about and was hoping you could explain.
Such as?
Well for one thing, as we were just discussing, I found it curious that you opened your delightful book on page twenty and twenty one with a reference to the Tower of Babel as a work presently in progress. I believe your choice of words were, “Currently this work in progress is the creation of a global commonwealth. The worldwide community of artists and scientists is and has been at the forefront of this coalescence, offering perceptions of reality that erase linguistic and national boundaries. Reconciliation of the apparent differences between these two unique human languages, art and physics, is the next important step in developing our unified tower.” A bit illuminist, don’t you think, Leo? Novus Ordo Seclorum. You are aware, of course that the reason for the scattering and confusion at Babel was partially due to what they were building that tower for?
I was referring to reconciliation between the language of art and physics, there, I believe.
I thought the book was about novelty.
Well, it is, among other things…it’s about certain artists who’ve demonstrated forsight…
And yet, in the book you claim not to have such foresight.
I am only a surgeon recently turned writer. However, I like to think of myself as a synthesizer. I see patterns. I made myself clear that I am not a physicist nor am I an artist and besides, there was the disclaimer at the beginning. I even quoted Blake. You should appreciate that.
Blake is a nutter. We both know that. Just yesterday he painted some of the bricks of one of the main drags gold.
Aren’t they gold already?
Exactly. It took an eternity to figure out which bricks were painted and which were not.
You’re putting me on…
I AM? But you did seem very sure of yourself in claiming to have the foresight to know somehow what the next important step is in “developing our unifying Tower,” as you put it. May I ask, how you know that to be the next important step? And what was all that about the creation of a global commonwealth? If memory serves me correctly, every time the word commonwealth is thrown around with the word global, the word eugenics isn’t far behind and we get crowds out at the pearly gates. It can get to be a bit much for Peter, you know.
Not that your people haven’t done their share of killing.
My patriarchal people, yes, of course. There’s nothing I enjoy more than a crusade, Leo. That, and burning witches. As opposed to your right brained matriarchal belief systems whereby children are never sacrificed to the flame for a good crop next season. You must admit, Leo, forced globalization does tend to accompany the resurrection of those goddess cults you seem so fond of. I wouldn’t have taken you upon first read to be so Masonic. You’re very clever Leo.
I can assure you, I’ve no idea what you’re implicating me with.
You have to say that, I know. But then if you really don’t have the foggiest as to what I’m getting at, that would make you a hapless visionary and thus on the level with all of the heroes of your book, and thereby qualified to inform the reader of the next step in humanity’s collective march forward which is clever as well. Win, Win. But go on. You were about to say, “in my research.”
 In my research I have found that throughout history, there have been a series of steps forward and backward in human evolution and they all seem to have two things in common: novelty, and religion. At the places where we took leaps forward, such as the renaissance, the enlightenment, the advent of television, the internet and say, the election of Obama…
Change, yes.
….we see huge advances forward in humanism and growth in the arts and expansion of collective knowledge. In the places where we fall backward, we see the ignorance, dark ages, evangelical reformation and religious war. In fact, I name war among the three things that will bring the human species to extinction. Overpopulation and the objectification of nature are the others.
Yes, the Berkeley interviews. I caught some of that. Harry Kreisler was a bit dull. You had him eating out of your hand. He liked you, Leo. I believe he might be gay.
So was Leonardo.
You’re working on a book about that I believe?
Yes. I name him the winner of the human species when it comes to personification of the resolution of the dualistic nature that came about due to the late development of the left side of the brain. The binary pair Wheeler was talking about was resolved in Leonardo, in my opinion, or as resolved as we’ve seen it.
Yes, “unified in the space-time continuum,” The reacquiring of this so-called knowledge that you claim was lost when I allegedly interfered with the Babel endeavor? Mythically speaking, of course.
Of course.
You named that  “mythical” episode as something of a blow to humanity’s collective growth spurt. Very Masonic as well, by the way.
Isn’t it strange that of all of the divisions that you name in your writings, you don’t mention good and evil aside from its adoption into Christian and Cartesian philosophy. You addressed the disposal of such a system as “a vital rung on the ladder of thought enabling us to reach a higher plateau?” I’m assuming you’re of the opinion that good and evil are an illusion as is the antiquated idea that the observer and observed are separate. I believe you named such paradigms as “impeding our climb.” Are you really convinced the division, or the perception of there being one, was on My account, or might it have been a split from the ground up, perhaps having to do with the origin of this knowledge to begin with? According to one tall tale I heard somewhere, it was the attainment of the knowledge of good and evil that caused humanity’s present state. Could it be that we agree on the problem, just not the solution? And furthermore, what makes you think that change, novel as it may be, is always a step toward a higher plateau?
Actually, I believe the human species is doomed as a race unless a change occurs. I’ve said so repeatedly.
I have to agree with you there, though, I have to tell you Leo, If knowledge is to be your saving grace you’d better get to building that Tower faster. You’ve only just penetrated space-time according to your writings and it’s getting nasty down there. The workers are getting restless. Speaking of writings, have you read much McKenna? You sound a lot like him. In fact you both show up in a lot of bibliographies together. I Googled it.
Tell me about him.
McKenna believes, as you do that evolution has a lot to do with the advent of novelty, though he seems a lot less baffled by the “apparent lack of evidence to support the existence of the mechanism for life forms’ response to change” than you do.
How do you mean?
Being that you make no room for exterior intelligent design, you proposed cosmic radiation in answer to Darwin’s shortcomings in explaining the hole in his theory. You then went on to describe a black hole in great detail replacing a theoretical black hole with a literal one while icing it all over with a bit of mythology for the esoteric crowd. It made for an interesting read, but I somehow came out still believing in My own existence. Is there a revised edition?
I hate you.
You must. But then, I expect this isn’t really a matter of hating Me. I’m guessing this all comes down to autonomy. It always does. It did at Babel. You didn’t exactly disagree with Darwin either. Should the reader take that to mean that you only agree with Darwin up to that point or across the board and if so are you aware of Darwin’s Descent of Man? Tell me you jumped ship before that.
I didn’t quote Descent of Man.
Allow me: “Some naturalists have lately employed the term "sub-species" to designate forms which possess many of the characteristics of true species, but which hardly deserve so high a rank. Now if we reflect on the weighty arguments above given, for raising the races of man to the dignity of species, and the insuperable difficulties on the other side in defining them, it seems that the term "sub-species" might here be used with propriety. But from long habit the term "race" will perhaps always be employed. The choice of terms is only so far important in that it is desirable to use, as far as possible, the same terms for the same degrees of difference.”
That’s some memory.
There’s more. Google it.
Look, I am in no way a racist, nor do I in any way promote such views in my books.
I’m not saying you’re a racist, Leo. But you do seem keen on the idea that there is a gnosis that should be cultured for the survival of mankind and the book does tend to champion those who have attained, to a higher degree than the rest, an understanding of one or the other or, in Leonardo’s somewhat exclusive case, both of the coordinates space and time. I was under the impression that there was in humanity, a flaw, based on your naming the human species doomed unless knowledge is increased in these areas. If you count Darwinian evolution a part of your world view, you must make room for some doom, even if it be for the, shall we say, “less fortunate” sub species who can’t keep up with the illumined elite in realizing the next phase collectively. Could that be your out when the light speed colored excrement hits the flattened motionless fan and it comes time to close the ark?
Well, I reconcile such evolutionary oversights with mind, the compliment of universe. That was what the book was about; the foresight of visionary artists in reaction to changes in evolution. William James proposed the “continuum of cosmic consciousness” to be the unifying field through which this would be accomplished. I am not responsible for who does and does not climb aboard.
There you go again, counting me out of the equation. “Continuum of cosmic consciousness?” I really don’t care for that name, by the way.
Neither did the Catholic Church.
I’m not Catholic, Leo…But we digress…
But we digress; tell me how this McKenna resolved this theoretic black hole.
Oh, that. From where?
Don’t look at Me! I’m a lover. Not a seeder.
Of course not! Why would you interfere with something you’ve already created? God forbid!
No, actually, I do it all the time. People just write off miraculous intervention these days due to a growing understanding of the means used. Even manna from heaven is now conceivable as you mentioned, though the energy required is that of stars and stars. Every miracle is natural, all the way up to the Most High. It is a nice write off, anyway, this seeding theory, if you’re trying to do away with a pesky God and such accountabilities as tend to accompany such Monotheist creation “myths.” Seeding also clears up that annoying missing link problem. It’s been suggested by others, seeding; Dawkins even, though few have committed to it as it only brings one back to the original question.
What’s that?
Where did the Paint come from?
Oh, that. Well from the tubes of course…
You’re a tough nut to crack Leo. A zeitgeist, you said in Art and Physics, would be a space and time manifestation of a universal mind. You cited “occurrences that cannot be explained by the rules of causality” as evidence for such an entities’ existence. Spiritus Mundi, you called it. You are quite the esoteric acrobat. McKenna, like most environmentalists liked the Gaean mind idea, with a little push from the aliens, naturally. You’re an advocate of little pushes, aren’t you?
Well, I certainly take no part in “aliens from outer space advancing evolution” theories. Ridiculous. Humanity alone can save itself.
Or the best of it. And are you so sure? Like McKenna, you do seem to favor Goddess worship, which does involve worship of natural forces, not to mention little miss “Reason,” of the French Revolution. She’s been named other things, as I’m sure you’re aware.
Has she?
Oh, come on Leo, You’re well versed in this. You wrote an entire book about it.
I hardly see how crackpot “aliens from outer space” theories have anything to do with right brained dominated thought, which is what I was actually referring to in my Goddess writing.
Do you remember that Dishwalla song? “Counting Blue Cars,” I believe it was called.
Uggh. I hated that song.
It was terrible. Of all the goddess bands, I’ll take The Doors any day. Dionysus.
Dionysus wasn’t a goddess.
He was a bit light in the loafers, though and according to your book, of the right brained ilk. But you do concede that you acknowledge the existence of higher dimensions, at least one of which involves the directed extension of collective human mind into space. You yourself said, “the evolution of life forms on earth seems to move in the direction of organisms that are increasingly cognizant of the sub dimensions of space and time.” In so saying you are clearly defining growth to be synonymous with a push toward something that already exists, that being among other things the coordinates space and time which you cited as pre existing in the environment. If this were true, then wouldn’t you agree that space-time must pre-exist as well and thus alleged evolutionary growth is in the direction of a pre existing reality?
Of course. I said so Art and Physics.
Page 404 and 405, I know. Now Leo, if you recall, earlier in our conversation, you spoke about subjectivity as playing an enormous role in collective experience. Observations about reality are observer dependant and a constant universal present moment does not exist. You cited these in your book as principles lain down by visionary artists at the turn of the 20th century and described by Einstein in his special theory of relativity. This, shift in consciousness, you said later on became grudgingly admitted as an actual component in the very frame work of reality itself, which is another way of saying that if a tree falls in a forest and all of that. But Leo, if reality is entirely subjective and at least partially dependent on a viewer to exist, how can life forms evolve toward anything at all?
I don’t follow.
Exactly. There is nothing to follow, Leo. If the coordinates of space and time are shaped entirely by the experience of the observer, then they are essentially a byproduct of mankind’s warped sense of perspective or accumulative description of what was lost and must be regained. Therefore, space-time must be as well, however visionary that observer may be. And it is space-time that you are proposing houses the universal mind lattice that humanity’s tower of knowledge must grow through by way of brain lateralization and resolution of the coordinates, space and time thus healing every other polar opposite perceived by a hemispheric man. You are, in effect citing the visionary artist to be the driver rather than the foreseer, as, really, Leo, if man’s at the top of the evolutionary chart, there’s nothing to foresee; foresight, of course being defined the byproduct of impersonal intention and indeterminate receptivity. It is a very clever way of putting humanity in the drivers seat. How frightening for the driver. Reinhardt was terrified, you know.
Rothko killed himself and he was into color.
Sad. I did enjoy The G.K. Chesterton quote. Hilarious. Have you read much of him?
I quoted him didn’t I?
In The New Unhappy Lords: An Exposure of Power Politics he wrote about “the existence of a conspiracy for the destruction of the traditional Western world as a prelude to shepherding mankind into a sheep’s pen run as a One World tyranny.” Is that a bit like a global commonwealth? Why are you pinching yourself?
I’m trying to wake up. I am having a very bad dream wherein I’ve been kidnapped by an eleven-year-old conspiracy theorist from space-time who is claiming to be God.
Oh, Leo, space-time isn’t even denting how high up this can go. And I’m no theorist. I’m just interested in you’re apparent determination to write Me off at every turn in your recovery of self. On page 354 and 355, for example, in describing the birth of stars which you claim are the “mechanism for all life form’s response to change” including man’s supposed evolution as we talked about earlier, you sidestep this issue by citing an “unseen organizing principle much like the ephemeral force of life” as somehow contributing to, dare I say “their creation.” Now, Leo, I want you to notice that the canvas I am presently painting must be there for my brush to apply paint….for this brush stroke to manifest here, and here, do you see?
Of course I can see.
There must be a table before the palette, a palette before the paint. And brushes before painting can even be considered and canvas before the paint can be applied, unless you want to paint on the floor.
What about Pollock?
He was drunk. You see my point, the evolutionary chain of events you describe could be considered a creative process by anyone with creativity in mind. and if the passing of time is truly subjective, then your billions of years really might as well be right now. And now. And now….at least from my point of view, which I can assure you is above space-time, which you predict is more present than the pairs space and time that lead up to it, assuming that is the direction of growth and beneficial change. You seem to idolize every aspect of Me but Myself. Now, Leo, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. This is what I am about to do. I am about to dip my brush in that spot of cerulean blue there on the palette to my left and apply the paint there to the upper left corner of the canvas, right up there at the very top. I promise, that’s what I’m going to do. Do you believe me?
I suppose.
You might as well. Humor me.
Alright then, I believe you.
What am I going to do?
You just told me.
You have to repeat it for it to work.
You’re going to dip your brush in the cerulean blue and apply it to the upper left corner of the canvas.
Alright then, now watch closely…and done.
There. Now, Leo, you are a prophet. Come here for a moment. I want you to take the clean brush that’s in the jar there, no, that one’s dirty, the other, yes. Take that brush and dip it into the same cerulean blue that I just used and do exactly as I just did.
In the same place?
The same. Good. There….and done.
How is that?
Close enough. Now you are a visionary artist. How do you feel?
So did Blake. Ok. One more. I want you to describe to Me as best you can me what just happened.
I get it. I get it.
Don’t you want to be a physicist? Alright, then. Never mind. My point is this, Leo, In discounting a creator, or anything above mankind at all you really open yourself up to whatever it is that comes your way from a place that you are only beginning to understand. Suppose just now I had told you to use pthalo blue.
Actually, it can be used to create nice flesh tones if used ever so sparingly, but yes, it would have ruined the painting, though it’s not a stretch from that nice cerulean blue that you did use. Isn’t it strange how something so close to the truth can be so untrue? In making no room for anything but yourself in the grand scheme of things you exchange the wonder of how it works for the tedium of why it works while opening yourself up to any and all information true or false via visionary artists whose work can be corroborated with physicists who are really only scratching the surface of the nuts and bolts of reality itself. I am all for discovery and I believe much of your collective scratching is in the right direction, but if you’re scratching to find out why while rejecting altogether an outside intelligent intention you may as well not be scratching at all, unless you’re after autonomy, which as I mentioned earlier is at the bottom of all of this to begin with. And I do mean the bottom. Have you noticed what mankind pursues immediately following the establishment of power?
Immortality. Autonomy. Look at the epic of Gilgamesh, for example.
That was a myth.
Really. I’ve heard otherwise. I’ve heard that Gilgamesh was the very same individual who was behind the Babel endeavor. But then, you called that a myth. Strange that it is named as having happened in a certain place, at a certain time by a certain someone who’s geneology is traced back to the survivor of a global catastrophe that is echoed in the annals of every culture’s ancient historic record the world over as is the building of this great tower, Babel which is considered a parable in your writing. At what point, Leo do you think a myth qualifies as an historic event? When it is written down? When there is fossil record or archaeological evidence? Strange that you associate the birth of stars with mythologies as well and yet assume their comings and goings a part of a reality that can be measured, documented and for all intents and purposes called real or “true.” Did you know that this Gilgamesh is actually named by any number of reputable historians?  Many believe his name was Nimrod or Namr Ud also associated with Marduk and  Ninurta of Sumarian and Akkadian fame. Nimrod was the father of Babylon, Uruk, and Ninevah among other early mesopetamian cities. He was a despotic ruler who demanded that he be worshipped as a god along with his supposed virgin queen Semiramis, who you know became Ninkharsag, Inanna, Isis, Oaster, Ishtar, Ashtarte, Venus, Gaea, Masonic Reason, Catholic Mary Queen of Heaven and of course Auguste Bertholdi’s Lady Liberty of New York. Bertholdi was a Mason, by the way.
It is an amazing sculpture, yes.
No, not aMazing, Leo.
Not that again..
It’s everywhere. Once you start noticing it…This Nimrod was obsessed with building a name for himself; immortality, autonomy. He built megalithic cities in what was once the antediluvian land of the gods. It is believed that it was he who was behind the stones at Baalbek. He was literally the first rock star. He was also one of the Nephilim as is mentioned in the Hebrew Genesis account and are echoed throughout many ancient records, a real bastard. Not unlike your Leonardo in that respect. A son of the sons of God, the Bene Ha Elohim. Your mythos resounds of events in your distant past, as you guessed, Leo. Might I suggest a past not so distant? Let’s just pretend for a moment that many of your collective human mythologies recall events rather than simply DNA star memory. Pretend your many religions share something other than just the same genetic dream pool. All claim visitation of gods from the sky or out of the earth. These alleged visitations are usually accompanied by sudden bursts in knowledge of the stars, technology, and building projects seemingly with long-term endurance in mind and a promise by the gods of return in the distant future.
I suppose I’m to believe in Santa Claus as well, then?
Yes. Why, you don’t? His name was Nicholas of Myra born AD 270. However unlike the “gods,” he didn’t fly around in the sky.
So we’re back to the aliens.
Not exactly, Leo. Earlier we talked about the folly of assuming man to be of the highest pecking order due to his having only scratched the surface of space-time. Suppose there are higher orders, Leo. Is it so unreasonable to assume there might be other intelligences outside of your experience of polarized space and time? You’ve made clear that you accept the vague notion of  “continuum of cosmic consciousness.” Is it such a reach then to allow for the possibility of consciousnesses predating your existence?
I suppose we’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.
How do you know you haven’t already? If your mythologies, like the Santa Claus myth, are rooted in actual events that have been propagated orally and in stone throughout history, it would appear to me that the bridge was crossed and burnt down millennia ago. If that is true, who’s to say that humanity isn’t unwittingly being led by the proverbial nose, which your book associates oddly enough with memory.
What does any of this have to do with Art and Physics?
Everything, especially if your reconciliation of the human problem is coming through the visionaries who in your humanistic Shangri la, are driving the collective party bus into space-time. What if these visionaries aren’t foreseeing anything? If there are such intelligences that predate and surpass what you admit is a fragmented human intelligence, who’s to say they or it has your best intention in mind? How do you know that the information your every visionary is receiving isn’t misleading? Is it a coincidence that these recycled polytheist ancient religions, when revived, are almost always accompanied by despotism and the rise of an empirical globalism?
Are you mad? What about the Catholic Church?
Leo, the Catholic Church, however well meaning, is little more than the absorption of fledgling Christianity into the Roman Pantheon, which only further proves my point. Every would-be conqueror needs a religion for the people. Constantine let it be a particle and a wave. Remember Nimrod? Isn’t it interesting that a despotic ruler and builder of cities be so open to his subjects becoming engaged in polytheist geocentric goddess worship? He set that up immediately as he consolidated humanity. Strange that over population has become such an issue? Furthermore does it seem out of the ordinary that the construction of the alleged tower was an effort to unite mankind in a collective effort to claim autonomy for itself? It would seem that goddess worship does not in anyway conflict with unabashed humanism, which when you get down to it, accompanies the advent of growth toward the “next plateau,” you spoke of in your account of human history. What humanism does not take into account is the problem of humanity to begin with. Utopian ideas are noble, but dismiss humanity as being inherently flawed. This flaw is easy to forget about when nationalism or a common goal is democratically agreed upon but the flaw usually rears it’s head when those who are placed in power, democratically or not begin to act human and such issues as your population problem are addressed humanly. Perhaps this is why I am not exactly surprised to find that your thesis promotes unification through such endeavors as the birth of a global commonwealth while maintaining an impersonal universalist spirituality under the guise of a return to Goddess Reason, which, of course demands that the overpopulation problem be addressed through such programs as have been initiated in the past by likeminded “wise men” who have written endlessly about dealing with these problems with eugenics programs while promoting the imperative of doing away with Semitic patriarchal monotheist religions along with sections of the great unwashed or “sub species” as Darwin named them. Gaean worship is another way of putting the need for resolution of the second of your list of three problems, that being the objectification of the earth. The third is war, which a global commonwealth should take care of nicely, you believe?
We’ve discussed this.
I’m just curious, who is it that’s going to head up this commonwealth?
It will, of course, be democratic.
But in reanimating worship of the earth and dealing with overpopulation doesn’t that more or less require that humanity collectively declare war on itself? It seems to me that the only problem with “Mother Earth,” is people. I wonder who will “democratically” be volunteered to the pearly gates ahead of schedule? I should probably go ahead and overstaff. Better too many than not enough.
Well why don’t You do something then? If we are damned if we do or don’t what are we to do? Sit on our collective hands and hold our collective breath?
I have been doing something, Leo. In dismissing Me as a player in the game and the creator of the game itself for that matter, you’ve missed the name of the game altogether. I don’t think you’re a bad man Leonard, in fact I’m quite fond of you. I think you really want to help people. I don’t believe that humanity does what it does intending to be evil. Humanity is simply ill. And no doctor, or brain surgeon for that matter can cure the illness that humanity suffers. You are right in naming human perception divisive. Of all of earth’s creation, humanity is the only thing that doesn’t seem to be working right and furthermore, doesn’t know what it is. While I applaud your efforts to fix yourselves, the damage is irreparable as is proven by The Law, which is simply a description of what a human being would behave like were it experiencing reality as it truly is and indeed as you hope it will through the resolution of your hemispheres. You just seem to believe that either it was born that way, or I somehow did it to you because I’m no fun and wouldn’t let you build your sandcastle. I don’t make things broke, Leonard, but I can make things that can break themselves. That’s what free will is.
I didn’t choose to break myself.
I know you didn’t, Leonard, but humanity cannot be addressed individually nor, as your book brilliantly puts forward, can you grow, unless collectively. Unfortunately, the sickness you share grows with you and is passed on with every generation so that as Plato espoused, you cannot see. This spiritual blindness, or divisiveness in your perception of reality is used against you by intelligences that have mastery over the lower rungs of space-time and have dominated humanity since it’s origin. Their worship by different names throughout civilization has always accompanied humanity’s belief in it’s own divinity and subsequent autonomy as these intelligences seek the same for themselves. It is this autonomy or desire for it that is at the heart of all suffering that you wish to see healed.
Why would you allow for such suffering?
Again, free will.
If such suffering might potentially become of granting free will, why grant it at all.
Because I Love You and I want you to Love me back and there cannot be Love where there isn’t free will. If I created you without a choice, it wouldn’t really be Love at all, would it? Therefore there has to be an alternative. There has to be a choice, which brings us back to this painting before us. Do you know what this is a painting of, Leo?
Why don’t You just tell me.
This is your life, or most of it and it isn’t quite finished.
Come on, really? It’s much too beautiful to be my life.
Leonard, your life has been so beautiful in so many places. Just look down there at the bottom left. Do you know what that is?
The bright area by the red?
Yes, that is where you pioneered laparoscopic surgery. Those are all the lives that you saved.
What about the green up there?
That was the day your daughter, Tiffany was born.
How about the silver in the middle there?
The day you were born.
What about that black spot down there at the bottom?
That, Leonard, is May 11 2009.
That’s tomorrow.
That’s why I wanted to have this talk.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

the first gift

base coat
3:33 am

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

crawfishparty 2010

Mr. Chance

Mr. Chance of the 6iXiS.
oil on canvas

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Bene Ha 'Elohim

            Ladies and Gentlemen, something is about to happen. The signs are everywhere. It seems as though the entire world knows and is preparing. The earth is not the same place it was in the latter half of the twentieth century, lying naively in our wake. The world rockets into the new millennium armed with newfound technological advances, a map of the human genome, ever spreading nuclear capability, globalization, and heightened security. The predominant theory that relates us to ancestral apes following our birth in a primordial soup brewed some time after the Big Bang; as children of an impersonal, expanding universe, we now stand together, products of our own achievement, ready to embrace the next phase of our own evolution.
            We are going to need help. The signs are everywhere. It seems the entire world knows and is preparing for this. We have in our hands the means of destroying one another on a global scale and wiping the human species off the face of the earth with the push of a few buttons. Nuclear war seems immanent. To many the end is near. Words like apocalypse and Armageddon are commonplace. The earth itself seems to groan as if in labor. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and natural catastrophic events are becoming the news on a regular basis, global warming a household name.  Humanity, it seems, is careening closer to the edge of destruction and if we are alone, we are on our own. Cosmologists are finding with every discovery that we know less about the nature of the universe than we thought; physicists, that reality itself is far more complicated than our senses and sciences have revealed. The more we learn, the more we realize that we know next to nothing.  The stage is set. The Earth turns and together we wait and watch and hope for a future. Some of us still pray to a God for intervention while others hope for help from somewhere or something else. Many believe that help is here already.
On June 24th, 1947, while flying over the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, businessman Kenneth Arnold sighted "a formation of very bright objects" flying in formation at incredible speed. Counted nine of them, he said they moved "like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water" until finally disappearing behind Mount Rainier. Arnold's story was reported in The East Oregonian newspaper and soon spread around the world. His description of the phenomenon as “saucer like" caught on and the world became acquainted with flying saucers. Soon similar reports began to pour in until, by the end of July of that same year, the United States media had released some 850 sightings, 150 of which were documented in what would become known as Project Bluebook, a report compiled by the USAF in an attempt to investigate the sudden phenomenon and pacify growing public concern. The year 1947, coincidentally, marked the coining of the term Nuclear Family along with the invention of the Doomsday Clock by the Board of directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago, a symbolic clock face set at five minutes until midnight and changed periodically to represent the threat of nuclear holocaust.  The clock was advanced to two minutes until midnight on January 17th 2007. The summer of 1947 also saw the alleged retrieval and cover up of a crashed flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico that has famously become known as The Roswell Incident, the Holy Grail of UFO research and conspiracy theory.  As the story goes, a sheep farmer named William Brazel, while making his rounds on an isolated ranch near Corona discovered strange debris of a craft scattered over an area that stretched about three quarters of a mile long. The debris was described as metallic, light weight and very durable. Also allegedly found were the occupants of the craft, though terribly disfigured and presumed dead. The USAF was soon involved and the announcement that a flying saucer had been retrieved made front page news around the country until an official statement from the Air Force soon revoked the claim, citing the recovered debris as part of an experimental weather balloon and the occupants, test dummies. The birth of flying saucers upon the collective world's eye spawned a global hysteria. Despite the US government's claim that there was nothing to the phenomenon, citing mass hallucination and swamp gas among the possible culprits, claims of sightings kept pouring in until, in March of 1950 an event was published in True Magazine by one General R. McLaughlin documenting the tracking of a silver saucer like object near White Sands missile range at 25,200 miles per hour, an impossible speed. Flying saucers were now on our radar. This event was followed almost immediately on May 11th of the same year by the release of the first grainy black and white photographs of a flying disc taken by a farmer in McMinnville, Oregon.  The photographs were published worldwide despite Air Force scrutiny and failure to debunk the pictures as a hoax. Flying saucers were now ingrained icons in our modern mythologies.
On October 4, 1957 the space race began with the Soviet launch of Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to successfully orbit earth. It was the size of a beach ball. The US promptly launched NASA and Explorer 1 followed by the eventual first manned orbit in US history of John Glenn on February 20th, 1962. The following year Major Gordon Cooper aboard a Mercury capsule on the last of 22 orbits reported to the tracking station at Muchea a greenish glowing object approaching his capsule. The object showed up on Muchea's radar, proving to be solid and was reported by the National Broadcast Company who was covering the entire event. Upon Cooper's landing, the press was restricted from asking questions regarding UFO's. In later testimony before the United Nations, Cooper said:
"For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that everyday, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public. Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means” […]
Gordon Cooper wouldn't be the last astronaut to witness UFO's in space. Gemini astronauts James Lovell, Frank Borman, Ed White and James McDivit, among others, all reported unidentified craft while on mission. Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and "Buzz" Aldrin sighted UFO's shortly after landing on the moon on July 21st 1969. According to Dr. Vladimir Azhaza, an expert on the moon landings, Armstrong reported two large objects to Mission Control upon landing near the lunar module, but the message was censored by NASA. Armstrong later confirmed that the story was true though he refused to divulge any details. He did, however admit that the CIA as behind the cover-up.  As UFO reports continued to pour in through the 1950's and 60's, parallels began to emerge between U.S. Air Force records of UFO reports and the Federal Power Commission's power failure reports. A graph between the years 1954 and 1969 shows that power failure and documented sightings at or near facilities track each other almost identically. Unidentified aerial phenomenon frequented nuclear testing facilities and were often assumed responsible for power interruption. In an interview before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics on July 29, 1968, Dr. James E. McDonald, senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology as well as senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology, University of Arizona, Tucson, said when questioned about the relationship between blackouts and UFO's,
"…there is a puzzling and slightly disturbing coincidence here. I'm not going on record as saying, yes, these are clear-cut cause and effect relations. I'm saying it ought to be looked at. There is no one looking at the relationship between UFO's and outages."
            One thing seemed clear, however; if UFO's were in fact to be connected with these interferences and outages, U.S. military might seemed apparently incapable of stopping it and the question had to be asked, "Who is in control here?" Perhaps the militaries impotence in light of the phenomenon explained their silence and apparent repeated cover up regarding the matter. The idea that our own military weaponries and city power grids might be out of our control would be alarming, to say the least, and if these "visitors" proved to be "horrible invaders" as Gordon Cooper said? What then? Was there a message here? Perhaps so. In the field of UFO research, one thing seems to stand out regarding the nature of the craft itself; they seem to display a physical ability that far supersedes our present engineering capacity and borders on the supernatural. UFO's have been tracked at speeds impossible in our earth's atmosphere without burning up and though the evidence seems to confirm that they are physical objects, there never seems to be an accompanying sonic boom. Right angle turns at thousands of miles and hour are commonplace in UFO sightings and radar tracking as well as sudden mid flight stops, something no physical object could endure at such speeds according to our physical laws. These objects have been known to materialize seemingly out of thin air and disappear in the same manner as well as change shape. Stacks of such documentation of the phenomenon have accumulated over the years and have only increased in number with the rise of the handheld video camera, putting to rest more recently any of the old arguments of mass hallucination or hysteria, though cases exist where the same UFO's that have been observed by multiple witnesses do not show up on film. Flaps (large numbers of sightings within short time frames) of UFO sightings have, since the mid 90's been on the rise. On January 1st, 1993, traffic came to a standstill as tens of thousands of witnesses observed a silvery craft above Mexico City. The event was tracked by radar at Mexico City International Airport and received much press attention though barely gaining mention in U.S. news. This seems to be a trend. However, on March 13, 1997, the phone lines at Luke Air Force Base were jammed as eyewitnesses from Phoenix and the surrounding area called to report an enormous V-shaped object approaching the base itself. The object would later be estimated in computer analysis to be over the size of three football fields or 6000 feet long. That's over a mile. It was observed as making no sound and was banked by six bright lights. As it approached, three F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept it only to have the object shoot up into the sky at breakneck speed upon their approach. The event was thoroughly documented on video and lasted 1 hour and 46 minutes. Curiously, it would be three months before the story got any press coverage at which point the story was picked up by NBC, CNN, MSNBC and ABC as well as in USA Today. One eyewitness, when asked his opinion of the event on CBS This Morning said, "I'm pretty well convinced that this was an alien visitation craft. I'm pretty sure that it was inter-dimensional instead of interplanetary and I'm quite sure that our federal government. And our military know exactly what it was." The incident was called “the most confounding UFO report in fifty years" in a full page article in USA Today in June of 1997. Despite obvious public interest, The Air Force and local governments were unwilling to officially investigate the incident which became known as the "Phoenix Lights." As news from around the world becomes available instantly through televised media and the internet., documentation is on the rise though many cases prove to be fakes and hoaxes, man made craft, the planet Venus or other natural phenomenon, a sizable compilation remains unexplainable, including the January 10th sighting at Chicago's O'Hare Airport in 2007. One witness on the ground reported,
"As we passed the C Terminal on the Alpha taxiway we observed a dark gray hazy round object hovering over O'Hare International Airport. It was definitely over the C Terminal. It was holding very steady and appeared to be trying to stay close to the cloud cover. The radio erupted with chatter about the object. We had to continue moving the aircraft to the hangar. After parking I noticed the craft was no longer there but there was an almost perfect circle in the cloud layer where the craft had been. The hole disappeared a few minutes later."

The incident was witnessed by people inside the terminals as well and was reported around the world adding to the growing public awareness that something is indeed happening on planet earth. And what on earth is happening? Are UFO's visitors from other planets, galaxies, universes, dimensions? Perhaps help truly has come in our most desperate hour. Do our religions and belief systems allow for this sort of thing? Does it matter? Regardless of the nuts and bolts make up of what we are suddenly experiencing, since the first saucers disappeared behind Mt. Rainier in 1947, perhaps the question that should be asked is "what is the intention behind the phenomenon itself," and "Is there one?" It seems if this were invasion, in an Orson Wells sense, it would have already happened by now. Clearly the evidence as suggested by countless witnesses points to these "visitors" being far more technologically superior than we are just by judging the abilities of their craft alone. An interest in our space programs and military technologies appears an issue as does their evident ability to control these technologies as evidenced in the previously discussed power blackouts reported at military facilities in relation to nearby sightings. At least it seems we are intended to believe there to be an interest. One might suspect that we are being made aware not only of their technical superiority, but also their good intensions as no malevolence seems to have presented itself regarding the UFO phenomenon to date. (This refers solely to documented encounters of the first kind; that is sighted unidentified flying phenomenon. The subject contact and so called alien abduction is another discussion entirely that will be addressed later in this paper). Perhaps it is the effect itself, the impressions made on our collective minds due to this sudden paradigm shift that we should be adhering to and addressing rather than speculating about what planet or star system they might come from or how their ships sail as many researchers seem bogged in trying to rationalize. Perhaps help truly is here and if so, does it matter where it comes from or how the technology works? What significance will this sudden phenomenon play in our future, if any and has it perhaps played a role in the past? Is this an historical anomaly? Has this planet and more specifically, have we as a race seen this before? In 1947, an Arab boy, while tending sheep near the Dead Sea in the Qumran area, discovered a complex of 11 caves in which were found an ancient collection of scrolls that would come to be known as Qumran Texts or Dead Sea Scrolls. The scrolls contained texts from every book of the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament as it is known in Christianity except two. The Dead Sea Scrolls are considered of enormous historical significance as they predate any surviving Biblical document of the Jewish and Christian faiths and are believed to have been written before AD 100.
            Also found among the texts found were other writings not admitted into the canonic Hebrew Bible which predates the others. Dating back to second century B.C., the Genesis Apocrypha, including seven fragments of the lost Book of Enoch was unearthed in cave 7. This text had originally been dismissed by early Christian founders as apocryphal and rejected although it contains the history of an Old Testament patriarch, Enoch and his great grandson, Noah, the survivor of the Biblical Great Flood that, as the tale goes, was sent by God to destroy all living creatures from the face of the earth but Noah and his family who were found "without blemish" in His sight. The Apocalyptic Book of Enoch had all but vanished for centuries outside of a few hidden copies, translated from Greek, that were discovered in Ethiopia by James Bruce, a Scottish explorer in the 1700's. Curiously, the book was found included in the Ethiopian Old Testament. The Qumran fragments were discovered terribly mutilated and it would be some time until scholars would make public their shocking content which caused quite a stir among academics and theologians alike.  The Book of Enoch tells the fantastic story of The Grigori or Watchers (from the Greek egregori), a group of celestial or angelic beings who, as the story goes, are appointed to watch over the earth and its people in the age prior to the Noatic deluge. (Whose memory occurs in almost all of the races of the world.) The Watchers, however soon fall into lust for the daughters of men and, making a pact together under the leadership of Samyaza, two hundred in all defect, leaving their heavenly positions to have sexual congress with human women.
Of the 200, only their leaders are named in the text:
Chapter 6 reads as follows:           
1 And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters.
2 And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come; let us choose us wives from among the children of men
3 and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not
4 indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations
5 not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' Then swear they all together and bound themselves
6 by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn
7 and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And these are the names of their leaders: Samlazaz, their leader, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal,
8 Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaq1el, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens. The Fallen Watchers become teachers of mankind, revealing secret information including astronomy, astrology, cosmetics, medicines, sacred geometry and the making of metal weapons among other things.         
Chapter 7
1 And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms
2and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they
3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed
4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against
5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and
6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.
Chapter 8
1 And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all
2 coloring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they
3 were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, 'Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven . . .     The union of this rebel group with human women begets an unholy offspring known as the Nephilim.

Genesis 6 of the Hebrew Bible which translated means "fallen ones." These hybrid offspring, the Nephillim are said to be giants and of an extremely violent and wicked nature. As time goes by, the earth becomes filled with violence at the hands of their monstrous children which leads to the order for the Great Flood by God. (whose memory occurs in almost all of the races of the world.)          
6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,           
6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
The term "sons of God is translated B'nai HaElohim, or Sons of Elohim, a term specifically used throughout the Old Testament to describe angels. 3rd century translators before Christ understood this. Ancient rabbinical sources also seem also to agree that the sons of God are angels. This view is held by such early Christian founding fathers as well including Justin Martyr, Ireneus, Clement of Alexandria and Lactantius among many other later church fathers such as Luther. However later Christian church teaching would describe these "sons of God" to be men of the "faithful line of Seth" and the daughters of men to be the "worldly" line of Cain, the son of Adam and Eve who according to the Bible, killed Able. Seth is traditionally believed to be the third son of Adam and Eve. Many early founders believed this "Sethite view" and this discrepancy in teaching continues to be a heated debate in theology even today. Genesis 6 continues:         
6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.         
6:4 There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
            It is interesting to note here that the scripture speaks of these giants or Nephilim as being on the earth prior to and also following the Flood or deluge, which is later brought to light in the Hebrew Bible as the Jews, following Moses out of Egypt come to the Land of Canaan, a land populated by giants. According to the Biblical mythology, the Jews or Israelites are then instructed to take the land for themselves and destroy all of the people dwelling therein.
Back to Genesis 6:        
6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.         
6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.          6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.         
6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.         
6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.     The word "perfect" here is translated from tamyim, which means"without blemish, sound, healthful, without spot, unimpaired"  and is used in speaking of the physical, which is interesting due to the apparent genealogical corruption spread by the interbreeding of these angels or Watchers with humankind in these passages. The contamination of the earths genetic makeup would, therefore, according to the text, seem to be a key issue here and the salvation of Noah and his family due partially to their not having been contaminated genetically by it.         
6:10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.         
6:11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.         
6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.         
6:13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.    
            As previously mentioned, despite obvious parallels consistent with the "Word of God", many founders of the early Christian church had a problem with the Book of Enoch. Besides discrepancies in the texts, albeit minor ones, the idea that angels had descended upon the earth to procreate with human women was considered too bizarre and embarrassing when attacked by early critics of the church and did not fit into the traditional historic model of Biblical history. This, despite the fact that the Book of Enoch is repeatedly quoted in both old and new testament scripture of the so called inspired Word of God, making clear that the book was taken seriously by the writers of the Judaic and Christian faiths. For example, the book is referred to, and quoted, in Jude, 1:14–15 (KJV):   
“And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these [men], saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. “
Compare these verses with Enoch 1:9, translated from the Ethiopian:
“And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, And to destroy all the ungodly: And to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”      
James H Charlesworth, director of Dead Sea Studies at Yale University has this to say about the authenticity of the book in relation to "inspired scriptures":
"I have no doubt that the Enoch groups deemed the Book of Enoch as fully inspired as any biblical book. I am also convinced that the group of Jews behind the Temple Scroll, which is surely pre-Qumranic, would have judged it to be quintessential Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) that is, equal to, and perhaps better than, Deuteronomy (the fifth book). Then we should perceive the Pseudepigrapha (writings professing to be Biblical) as they were apparently judged to be: God's revelation to humans (2 & 5)."    
Jewish Historian Josephus Flavius:
"They made God their enemy, for many angels of God accompanied with women, and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own strength, for the tradition is that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians called giants."
            The ancient writings found in the caves of Qumran aren't the only sources that espouse this notion that the earth was visited by non human entities in the ancient past. Upon inspection of the many myths of the ancient world, this theme emerges in much of the discovered literature of antiquity such as in the cuneiform tablets and cylinders of ancient Sumer, a civilization that abruptly appeared around 3rd millennium B.C., along with other independent civilizations in Egypt, the Indus Valley and the Indian continent, all considered highly advanced for that time. The name Sumer in the tablets is KI.EN.GIR which some translate to say "The Land of the Lord of the Blazing Rockets" and also "The Land of the Watchers." Though some scholars reject the notion of the Sumerian tablets speaking of heavenly visitation, calling the tablets too cryptic to decipher, it is understood by many others that the Sumerian tablets speak of heavenly beings coming to earth and beginning a long term relationship with humans. These "gods" or as some proponents would have it, "ancient astronauts" made a sudden appearance in those days and were responsible for the ensuing explosion in human civilization, technology and advances in knowledge and understanding. This theory is not a new one. Mythologies from the ancient world abound regarding such claims, though as theorist David Icke explains, "It is a minefield to decipher which of these gods were flesh and blood real and which were symbolic of the Sun, Moon, planets, and natural cycles and so on. Most were the latter. Icke goes on to propose,
"[…]but there is substantial evidence to confirm that some of them, particularly the further back you go, were walking , talking entities, who had, by human standards at the time, amazing knowledge of the solar system, the stars, the universal cycles, the effects of the sun, moon and other planets and star systems on the earth and its people, and technological understanding of such immensity that they were able  to build the pyramids and other stunning structures all over the world that we would struggle to build even today."
            Indeed, though deciphering mythology from history is a task few care to take on, we find similar mythologies in practically every tradition worldwide. The African Zulu nation's chief shaman and historian, Credo Mutwa claims that their people were seeded by an extraterrestrial "royal" race. In fact the name Zulu means "People from the Stars." Ancient Assyrian mythology speaks of Asher, the winged god of war, an adaptation of the 6th century B.C. Zoroastrian god, Ahura-Mazda or "Lord of Wisdom." Flying gods appear in Egyptian mythologies with Isis escaping Seth in the "Boat of the Celestial Disk" in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and Horus, the "winged messenger" is said to have been call "Lord of the Skies."  According to hieroglyphic texts found in the temple at Edfu, he "flew up toward the horizon in the "Winged Disc of Ra." The Biblical Satan is often referred to as "Lord of the Air" and "Morning Star." American Indian folklore hold traditions of "star People and "star Nations" from the Pleiadian star system who have fair skin and blue eyes of which some of their leaders and shamans claim to still be in contact with through the use of telepathy, channeling and out of body experiences. It is interesting to note that upon the arrival of the white man in North and South America, many of the indigenous people mistook them for gods. The Aztec attribute their civilization to an ancestry originating in Atlas a sunken city once ruled by the "fair god" Quetzalcoatl, a white-bearded teacher.111. Aztec, Incan and Mayan cultures of South America also speak of "star people" from the Pleiades as well and in India, Vedic traditions hold that their literature was given by the gods themselves who flew in machines called vimanas. Some of these Indian texts date back to 3000 B.C., about the projected time of the birth of ancient Sumerian culture. Greek and Roman mythologies are full of gods and goddesses interacting and interfering with men and conceiving offspring known popularly as the Titans.
            Where do these mythologies end and factual history begin? It seems that human history is inseparable from the wild tales, superstitions and beliefs that have interwoven themselves into the fabric of our collective story seemingly since the first words appear to have been written down. Our experience of reality and one another is dominated by these beliefs and traditions as history is riddled with religious wars between people claiming the authority of a God or gods. Is there a factual basis for any of it or have we invented this motive out of a need for something greater than ourselves? Are all of these similar tales rooted in events that actually happened where does that put us today? The images of flying discs that are suddenly pervading our televisions, radar and minds seem real enough. Is there a connection between these ancient accounts that have so much in common though shared by unconnected people from all over the world and the modern day UFO phenomenon? Are we perhaps intended to make this connection and if so, whose intention is it that we make it? Is there solid evidence proving that these ancient accounts of flying gods, star people and visitors from other worlds are rooted in fact?

            In the Nazca Valley of Peru we find the Incan Roads as they were long called before the invention of the airplane. These roads form a maze of geometric shapes, delineations and directional paths that for all practical purposes lead nowhere, though they cover a sixty mile area including slopes and mountains sometimes ten miles deep. For centuries, the Nature of the Incan roads stumped historians though it was decided that the roads were made by an unknown people preceding the Incan Indians despite their name. When man became air-born and the first planes flew over the Nazca roads doing local irrigation studies, a different picture emerged, literally. From the air the lines form enormous depictions of birds, spiders, turtles, jaguars, man, and an unknown drawing revealed in 1901 to be a stegosaurus became evident with some lines that are drawn absolutely straight for miles, stopping for mountains and then continuing on the other side with amazing precision. What's more many of the lines are astronomically pointed at various constellations based on equinoxes and solstices. The most interesting thing about the Nazca lines is that they can only be appreciated from above.    

The Piri Re'is map is thought to be one of the world's oldest known maps. Found during renovations of the old Imperial Palace in Istanbul, the map is dated in the year 1513 A.D. and signed by the admiral of the Turkish Navy Piri Ibn Haji Memmed or Piri Re'is. The map includes accurate latitudes of the South American and African coasts and was apparently compiled of many older maps thought to have been used by Columbus himself. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that the map includes charting of the Antarctic coast, before there was any ice on it. Satellite radar scanning would later reveal the true coastline drawn on the map to be correct though ice core sampling of the coast proves the last ice free period of the Antarctic coastline was somewhere between 11,000 and 4000 B.C. What's more, the map seems to have been compiled before it was possible to determine a ship's latitude in the Southern Hemisphere, yet it shows amazing latitude placement of the Antarctic coastline and nearby islands as well as grid latitude and longitude lines suggesting that the maps it referenced and thus the early map makers knew that the earth was round and knew its circumference to within 50 miles. It has-been suggested that the maps used to draw Piri Re'is' map would have required knowledge of the earth from above.
            Around the world we find massive ancient structures built by unknown people using enormous stones cut with astonishing precision thought to have been unavailable at the time when man had supposedly not yet invented the wheel. Many of these structures seem to fit into a sort of grid work that reaches around the world locating them in relation to one another as though their makers had knowledge of the whereabouts and more precisely, the building sites of these now ancient ruins in relation to one another despite the fact that there was no apparent communication between these early civilizations as many of them predate the means of travel required for such communication. Regarding these Prehistoric building complexes researcher
Charles Berlitz has written extensively in his book, Mysteries From Forgotten Worlds:          
“These massive ruins might well be termed "the impossible buildings," because their construction by truly primitive peoples would be impossible with the techniques we suppose them to have had at their command. Such ruins are found in various places throughout the world. In each case the indigenous inhabitants profess ignorance of who built them, except to ascribe them to a race of supermen, giants or gods." (73)
            South American cyclopean ruins are found on the edge of thousand foot high precipices on the Andean plateau where the altitude makes it difficult to breathe much less move the enormous stones, some weighing between 150 and 200 tons,  the 1000 mile journey from where some of them were apparently quarried. The means of cutting and moving them are said to be impossible without the most modern of technology. Some legends, speaking of the Ollantayparubo ruins in Peru say the Stones were flown there.  "No living man, Indian or otherwise, could duplicate the simplest of their stone carving by means of the stone implements we find. It is not a question of skill, patience, time-it is a human impossibility," says researcher Hyatt Verrill. (Berlin) The gigantic city ruins on the shore of Lake Titicaca, Bolivia tells a similar tale. They are located 13,000 feet above sea level, a height that prevents many food plants from growing much less the supposed people it would have taken for their construction to survive. The Quechua and Aymara' Indians who lived nearby, upon the arrival of the Spaniards, knew little about the abandoned city except that it was built by gods. Throughout the Mediterranean, in Greece, Crete, Asia Minor, Sardinia, Pantelleria, Malta, southern Spain, the Balearic Islands and the ancient ruins of Egypt, we find similar structure called "cyclopean” by the Greeks after the Cyclops, the mythological giant bound by Ulysses following the Trojan War. "The Greeks, noting certain huge megalithic structures in their own lands and in many other islands and coasts of the Mediterranean, considered that they could not have been built by men, but by giants notes Berlitz.85. On the coasts of England, Portugal, and France, similar ruins can be found and seem to be built using similar means suggesting that they were built by the same people. In Ireland, the great stone fort of Aran is also attributed to giants or gods. Arab legends speak of a tribe of giants delivering the blocks of enormous Trilithon stone at Baalbeck, each weighing 800 tons following a great deluge. In the same way that many British legends tell of giants coming from Africa to lay Stonehenge.
            Besides the precision in the making of many of these ancient "cyclopean" megaliths and impossibility of transporting the materials to make them by their builders, many of the structures are crafted with astronomical and astrological intention showing an astonishing knowledge of not only the nature and measurements of the earth, but also the solar system and galaxy. The Great Pyramid in Giza is such an example.

            Canadian writer Rand Flem-Ath who spent more than 20 years researching these subjects found that if a line of longitude is drawn through the Great Pyramid, it crosses more land than anywhere else on the planet supporting the Egyptian idea that the Pyramid marks the center of the earth. Furthermore, if the pyramid is taken to mark the zero degree meridian, the latitude and longitude of the world's sacred sites fit perfectly into neat geometric patterns. Rand Flem-Ath found that he could accurately predict where these sites would be using this system.      
            Whoever built these structures seemed to have a vast knowledge of the universe we live in despite the fact that they built them in a time considered historically primitive. There seems to be no culture predating these ancient civilizations. It is as though the technology and knowledge attributed to their day suddenly fell from the sky. According to many of the myths associated with them, it seems that is precisely what happened. 
            We live in a day of amazing technological advancement. Our knowledge of the Cosmos and nature of the world we live in is exponentially increasing everyday. "Singularity", a name popularized by computer scientist, Vernor Vinge, describing a projected up coming event whereby "super intelligence" takes control of the world by means of both artificial intelligence and intelligence amplification is becoming a popular prediction as nano and bio technologies become a reality and defining reality itself becomes more complex with the emergence of string and M theory. Some say such claims are nothing but "exponential bogosity," that there is a ceiling to our learning curve. However we have seen within the same century of man riding horse back as the fastest means of transportation, a man walk on the moon and then flying back home. Technological guru Ray Kurzweil has been a long time proponent of the coming technological evolution:
“An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential, contrary to the common sense "intuitive linear" view. So we won't experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century—it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today's rate) The "returns" such as chip speed and cost effectiveness, also increase exponentially. There's even exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth. Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity—technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. The implications include the merger of biological and non biological intelligence, immortal software based humans, and ultra-high levels of intelligence that expand outward in the universe at the speed of light."
            Immortality through cell regeneration due to nanotechnology is becoming a reality. It is interesting that in the Biblical revelation of St. John, Chapter 6 and verse 9 pertaining to events to be revealed in the catastrophic last days, man's inability to die is said to become a problem.        
            With this sudden explosion in technology we are also seeing possibilities in scientific exploration that would, even a century ago, been considered arcane, occultist or metaphysical, hinging on the supernatural or even miraculous. Science, it seems is also bridging the gap between our three dimensional model of the universe and the spiritual world of yesterday with new theories emerging regarding the existence of other realities and frequencies. Michio Kako, professor of theoretic Physics at the City University of NY has written extensively about this: “It is not surprising that our common sense fails to grasp the true universe. The problem lies not in relativity, but in assuming our common sense represents reality."        Kako goes on to say in his recent book, "Parrallel Worlds,"
"The very idea of parallel universes was once viewed with suspicion by scientists as being a province of mystics, charlatans and cranks…even today there is no experimental evidence proving their existence…But recently the tide has turned dramatically with the finest minds on the planet working seriously on the subject. The reason for this sudden change is the arrival of a new theory, string theory and its latest version, M. theory, which promise not only to unravel the nature of the multiversity but also to allow us to "read the mind of God" as Einstein once eloquently put it."
            This is an interesting development as "God" and science went their separate ways in the 20th century following Darwin's proposed theory of evolution, a theory that has advanced through subsequent years to involve the birth and origin of the universe itself without the long held assumption of a creator being involved, but rather a mysterious impersonal explosion that somehow spawned the cosmos and eventually led to life on earth. Darwin's theory, now regarded as fact in most secular schools of thought, was originally advanced in 1859 under the title "Origin of the Species" and quickly became a publicly embraced phenomenon with such proponents as T.H. Huxley, promoting the theory. T.H. Huxley would come to be known as "Darwin's Bulldog" and is quoted as saying regarding the theory itself,
"It cannot be otherwise, for every great advancement in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority, the cherishing of the keenest skepticism and the annihilation of the spirit of blind faith."
This, despite the fact that science had long previously been advanced by educated men who believed in a creator in the same spirit as Huxley would renounce, including Nicholas Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Rene Descartes, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, Gregor Mendel, William Thomas Kelvin, Max Planck and Albert Einstein. Indeed, it seems that "blind faith" is what modern day physicists are relying on in the pursuit of such theories as string and M. for, as Michio Kako says, "There is no experimental evidence proving their existence." But if these theories prove correct and turn up more than the reality we have so long held to be the only one despite its relative nature, what else is possible? We were only in the last century rid of this pesky creator or creators and now it seems that the very tool used in disproving the existence of a "God" or "gods" is suggesting not only that we know next to nothing about the nature of our "multiverse" which we may apparently only partially occupy, but that it may be open season so far as other possible existences are concerned and that must include the possible existence of a God or gods. If these concepts are again a factor to be taken into consideration, what of angels, and if angels, what of fallen angels, demons, spirits or even Watchers? Perhaps we have been too hasty in ruling out such likelihoods. Perhaps there is more to such beliefs than the stained glass church windows and Renaissance painters have revealed with their harp playing depictions of winged chubby cherubs, various robed androgynies, cloven footed tormentors and an enthroned bearded old man and if so what about the many myths that so prevalently reoccur throughout history going all the way back to Sumer? If science is on the verge of discovering other realities or dimensions of existence, could it be that these realities would include the use of some science and be described by science as well and if so what of the line that has so long divided the rigorous policies exacted by scientific investigation and the shadowy arenas of myth and folklore?          
            The cosmologies of such well known investigators as Carl Sagan have not taken this into account in presenting our present models of the universe. We have been told not only that there is no intention behind the universe that our increasingly powerful telescopes are showing us, but also that what we are seeing as we explore the expanding cosmos is all there is. It could be said that the prospect of finding life in other galaxies has become for many, a crusade to prove that we are not alone in the universe in light of the atheistic approach that science has taken since the introduction of Darwin's theory.                
            The notion that we are being visited by explorers from other galaxies seems to have been the only obvious explanation for such phenomenon as we are presently experiencing in the UFO pandemic and this, due to several reasons, the first of which we've just above discussed. We simply do not have room, at least not in our present cosmology for the existence of other realities, especially realities that invade our own and then disappear into thin air as has repeatedly been witnessed and documented in the last 50 years by countless people around the world. The general consensus therefore has been that UFO's come from outer space and are piloted by a people who are astronomically superior to ourselves in technology as is displayed by their aircraft's abilities to defy the natural laws that restrict us from moving at such speeds, stopping suddenly and disappearing into thin air as has repeatedly been reported of this strange phenomenon. As we've previously explored, the ancient people hold traditions of "star people," regarding similar visitations leading to the conclusion that, not only has this happened before but also that the same conclusions were drawn by ancient people in deciphering their "gods" origins. This may also be because, simply, these "star people" seem to say so.          
            As we've explored, the modern UFO phenomenon seemed to begin with the advent of "flying saucers" in 1947 and the spectacle continued on into the 50's with increasing accounts from around the world, however as the years have passed the tales have become increasingly bizarre with reports of aliens landing on farmlands before shocked witnesses, collecting soil and fauna samples speaking briefly to the witnesses, often claiming to be from some planet (Mars and Venus have been reported) and then leaving in their "spacecraft." as quickly as they came. "They seemed to have studied topography, they had collected soil samples and, eventually, they returned to where they had come from, disappearing at an enormous speed." Claims of abduction by aliens began to surface in the 60's with the Betty and Barney Hill story in which the two claimed to have been taken out of their car into a space craft, where they were shown various strange objects including a map of the stars, given a physical examination and then returned to their car to find that a large amount of time had elapsed unaccounted for. Accounts of abduction out of homes in the middle of the night became an hysteria in the 1980's and into the 90's with many so called abductees reporting being subjected to grisly medical examinations seemingly having to do with sexual reproduction and even cloning to produce hybrid children with the aliens themselves. According to researcher John Mack:  
"It is difficult to ignore the fact that the UFO abduction phenomenon is taking place in the context of a planetary crisis of major proportions...Abductions seem to be concerned primarily with two related projects: changing human consciousness to prevent the destruction of the earth's life, and a joining of two species for the creation of a new evolutionary form." 255
            The 1985 publication of Whitley Strieber's Best selling, Communion: A True Story, only seemed to solidify the abduction myth as Strieber introduced to the world the phenomenon and gave a face to what thousand of people were now coming forward and claiming as having experienced. Strieber claimed to have been repeatedly abducted from his home in the middle of the night, often along with his family on several occasions, by dwarf-like creatures with large black eyes and grayish skin. He claimed this to have been going on since his childhood, part of an on going educational program he would later call "The Secret School." Strieber's creatures had the ability to walk through walls and enter his home despite his having installed upgraded security systems. He would pass numerous lie detector tests with this claim and continue write several books following his on going relationship with these "visitors." Strieber would go on to write in,
"There are two things about the UFO controversy that make it uniquely interesting. The first is that it is probably the deepest mystery mankind has ever encountered. The second is that it has been the object of so much denial despite the fact that it is certainly a real phenomenon.   At the very least it is a social issue of the utmost importance, because it has all the potential of a truly powerful idea to enter unconscious mythology and there to generate beliefs so broad in their scope and deep in their impact that they emerge with religious implications for the surrounding culture.   The only thing needed now to make the UFO myth a new religion of remarkable scope and force is a single undeniable sighting."
This statement was published in 1988.      
            Accounts from around the world proved shockingly similar to Strieber's and all seemed to involve similar looking creatures with seemingly the same agenda warning the world of impending doom while professing to be somehow involved with mankind's evolution. Regarding the phenomenon, Washington Post reporter Joel Achenbach comments,      
"The UFO narrative managed to grow, mutate, and expand far beyond the initial elements of direct contact, and then abduction, and then breeding experiments. The aliens who had been invisible inside their flying saucers began, by the 1970's to take on physical form: Spindly, hairless bodies trucking around a head the size of a watermelon, the biological warehouse of a phenomenal brain. They were not little green men... but rather had grey skin. Their lidless, black, almond shaped eyes were pools of darkness in which no emotion could be discerned. In the alien bestiary the Grays were joined by Tall Nordics, a humanoid species: by Reptilians; and by a smattering of Praying Mantis creatures...."    
            These Alien abduction stories soon became ingrained into our culture along with the flying saucers of the 1940s and 50s. The "aliens" or "visitors" as Strieber would coin them repeatedly, according to these claims, warn their abductees of impending nuclear disaster that will befall the earth if man does not change his ways. The abductees are often told they are "chosen" to tell the world the "visitor's" message though there seems to be little advice given as to what to do about our problem, almost as though the intention of the message being conveyed is the point itself as is the idea that the "visitors" come from outer space, as they often cite familiar planets and star systems such as the Pleiades seemingly in relation to the knowledge of the day and thereby proving to be, in Achenbach's words, "remarkably adaptable to modern civilization."       
            This is a very interesting face of the phenomenon itself, for as time has gone by, the accounts of contact with these "visitors" has changed considerably regarding what the visitors claim about themselves and their origins. It seems that the stories have changed, coincidentally, in accompaniment with whatever the present day paradigm seems to be. In the 40's following WWII they emerged alongside our airplanes as flying saucers with an interest in nuclear sites and ability to shut down the power at such sites. In the 60's they became Martians and Venusians at the birth of the space race and man's expressed interest in planetary exploration. In the 80's and 90's they became genetic engineers with an interest in cloning and so on... One would almost instinctively dismiss these tales as tall in light of the fact that the said occupants of these space craft seem to be relaying trendy information that changes with the times. Obviously these stories are being invented by delusional people who are injecting their stories with whatever knowledge they have of the universe and scientific possibility on the day of their story's telling... However, one must take into account the sheer number of these documented accounts and the reputations of their various unrelated tellers, including people of prominent positions in society and the military personnel, many of whom only reluctantly share their strange tales for fear of ridicule.
Jacques Vallee, is a former French astronomer. He received his Master of Science in astrophysics from the university if Lille and worked professionally first at the Paris Observatory in 1961. Following a move to the U.S. where he received a Ph.D. in computer science at Northwestern University, he became the chief investigator on the NSF project for computer networking which would ultimately lay the groundwork for such communication systems as ARPANET, long before the birth of the internet. Having also served on the National Advisory Committee of the University of Michigan College of Engineering, he worked with early models of artificial intelligence. During the mid 1960's, while working on the staff of the French Space Committee, he witnessed the destroying of documentation of various unknown objects tracked in Earth's orbit, leading to an interest in the UFO phenomenon and his eventual life's work as a UFO researcher. His original hypothesis of Extraterrestrial visitation from space soon changed however in light of what he found in his research regarding myths and folklore from previous societies. In his book, Dimensions, Vallee writes:  
"It would be nice to hold onto the common belief that the UFOs are craft from a superior space civilization, because this is a hypothesis science fiction has made widely acceptable and because we are not altogether unprepared , scientifically and even, perhaps, militarily, to deal with such visitors. Unfortunately, however, the theory that flying saucers are material objects from outer space manned by a race originating on some other planet is not a good answer. However strong the current belief in UFOs from space, it cannot be stronger than the Celtic faith in the elves and the fairies, or the medieval belief in the lutins, or the fear throughout the Christian lands, in the first centuries of our era of demons...Certainly, it cannot be stronger than the faith that inspired the early contributors to the Bible –a faith that seems rooted in personal experiences regarded as angelic visitation.    Those who assume that modern UFO sightings must be the result of alien experiments-of a "scientific" or even "superscientific" nature- conducted by a race of space travelers may be the victims of their ignorance of the old folklore. The academic pedants, through a common bias that the psychologists could perhaps explain if they were not its first victims, have covered the fairy-faith with the same ridicule as other pedants now cover the UFO phenomenon. Such tales set in motion powerful mental mechanisms making acceptance of the facts very difficult. The facts in question ignore frontiers, creeds, and races, defy rational statement, and turn around the most logical expectations as if they were mere toys.”


Vallee goes on to call the phenomenon "The Functioning Lie," asking,
"Is it reasonable to draw a parallel between religious apparitions, the fairy-faith, the reports of dwarf-like beings with supernatural powers, the airship tales in the United States in the last century, and the present day UFO landings?    I would strongly argue that it is-for one simple reason: the mechanisms that have generated the various beliefs are identical. Their human context and their effect on humans are constant. The observation of this very deep mechanism is crucial. It has little to do with the problem of knowing whether UFOs are physical objects or not. Attempting to understand the meaning, the purpose, of the so-called flying saucers, as many people are doing today, is just as futile as was the pursuit of fairies, if one makes the mistake of confusing appearance with reality. The phenomenon has stable invariant features...But we have also had to note carefully the chameleon like character of the secondary attributes of the sightings: the shape of the objects, the appearances of the occupants and their reported statements vary as a function of the cultural environment into which they are is possible to make large sections of any population believe in the existence of supernatural races, in the possibility of flying machines, in the plurality of inhabitable worlds, by exposing them to a few carefully engineered scenes, the details of which are adapted to the culture and symbols of a particular time and place."      
            In "Dimensions," Vallee sums up his hypothesis of the phenomenon with
five propositions:
"1. The things we call unidentified flying objects are neither objects nor flying. They can dematerialize as some reliable photographs seem to show, and they violate the laws of motion as we know them.
2. UFOs have been seen throughout history and have consistently received (or provided) their own explanation within the framework of each culture. In antiquity their occupants were regarded as gods; in medieval times, as magicians; in the 19th century, as scientific geniuses; in our own time as interplanetary travelers.
3. UFO reports are not necessarily caused by visits from space travelers. The phenomenon could be the manifestation of a much more complex technology. If time and space are not as simple in structure as physicists have assumed up until now, then the question "where do they come from?" may be meaningless; they could come from a place in time. If consciousness can be manifested outside the body, then the range of hypothesis can be even wider
4. The key to understanding the phenomenon lies in the psychic effect it produces (or the psychic awareness it makes possible) in its observers. Their lives are often deeply changed, and they develop unusual talents with which they may find it difficult to cope. The proportions of witnesses who come forward and publish accounts of these experiences is quite low; most of them choose to remain silent
5. Contact between human precipitants and the UFO phenomenon always occur under conditions controlled by the latter. Its characteristic feature is a factor of absurdity that leads to rejection of the story by the upper layers of the target society and absorption at a deep unconscious level of the symbols conveyed by the encounter....

            Indeed the UFO phenomenon has been compared by many researchers to what the Judeo-Christian world attributes to Demonology and the workings of demons. It has been proposed by many researchers that the two phenomenons are one and the same. Writes UFO researcher Pierre Guerin, "UFO behavior is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it... the modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical."

In his book Operation Trojan Horse, investigator John Keel weighs in on the subject:
"Demonology is not just another crackpot-ology. It is the ancient and scholarly study of the monsters and demons that have seemingly coexisted with man throughout history. Thousands of books have been written on the subject, many of them authored by educated clergymen, scientists and scholars, and uncounted numbers of well-documented demonic events are readily available to every researcher. The manifestations and occurrences described in this imposing literature are similar, if nor entirely identical, to the UFO phenomenon itself. Victims of demonomania suffer the very same medical and emotional symptoms as the UFO contactees....The UFOs do not seem to exist as tangible, manufactured object. They do not conform to the accepted laws of our environment. They seem to be nothing more than transmogrifications tailoring themselves to our abilities to understand. The thousands of contacts with the entities indicate that they are liars and put-on artists. The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon."
            In his book, Transformation, abductee Whitley Strieber, in describing his experience of the presence of his "visitors" speaks of
"an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there, and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get away. I lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly,
so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn't get away."
Despite this sinister aspect of the UFO phenomenon, not all tales of visitation by these (what shall we call them now?) are negative. In recent years, we have seen a rise of what has become popularly known as the New Age culture, a blending of many beliefs from around the world sprinkled with mystical truths proposing a new rise in consciousness or spiritual evolution that is about to happen on planet Earth. A New Religion drawing from all religions. This movement gained momentum through the end of the 20th century and into the 21st century namely due to the rise of instant global communication. The movement has been advanced by many teachers and authors who claim to be in contact with spiritually "ascended masters" who have come to help us with the next phase in our evolution. The teachings surrounding much of the literature seem to suggest that we have, throughout history, not only been visited by highly evolved teachers such as Buddha, Muhammad and Jesus, but have also mistaken the deeper meaning behind their teachings. Brad Steiger, in his New Age publication writes of this misunderstanding regarding such a teacher:
Generally speaking, in the Space Beings teachings, Jesus of Nazareth is not God but is a Christ, and ascended master, who incarnated so that he might demonstrate the Christ-pattern for all humans to achieve in a like manner. Jesus, most extraterrestrials are said to claim, studied with the Essenes during the lifetime which is reported in the Bible. The 'lost years' of Jesus are no mystery:
Between the ages of 12 and 30, according to these sources, he was receiving special training aboard a spacecraft or in a remote area of earth selected by space entities. (qtd. in Missler 157)
     It seems no coincidence that our "visitors" are often named as advocates and participants of this belief by New Age thinkers who often claim to channel messages from the "visitors" as well as play physical host to their spirits not unlike what is reported repeatedly throughout the psychic world and Judeo-Christian histories. Such occurrences are popularly called "walk-ins."  The spirits channeled in these events often claim to be, surprisingly, from the Pleiades, not unlike the American Indian and South American "gods" of yesterday.
Walk-ins often purport to be the very same "gods" as visited the Earth early in our history, claiming to have now returned to aid the human race in its "spiritual" evolution by aiding in the spiritual evolution and development of mankind.
Barbara Marciniak, in her book, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pledians (qtd in Missler 147), relays such a message from our would be saviors:  Where have you come from? Who are your creator parents? Who conceived you, then made you? The Sumerians understood the visitors from the stars, who for hundreds of thousands of years influenced and played with experiments of life on each continent…The gods watched and participated with their creations on Earth (qtd. In Missler 125).
“Humanity is learning a great lesson at this time. The lesson is, of course, to realize your godhood, your connectedness with the prime creator and with all that exists. The lesson is to realize that everything is connected and that you are part of it all […] (125)
This seems unlike a demonic thing to say, almost as though this spirit supposedly speaking through this woman has man's best intentions in mind. Marciniak, or rather her Pleidian contact goes on to say that our "history has been influenced by a number of light beings" whom we have termed God […]. In the Bible, many of these beings have been combined to represent one being, when they were not one being at all, but a combination of very powerful, extraterrestrial light being energies […] (qtd in Missler 147).
If what we've been calling "God" truly is a comprisal of many advanced spirit gods who have come to help us take the next step in our evolutionary process, then perhaps we need look no farther for help in these desperate times. Help is here already. If this is true, could the UFO phenomenon be the beginning of the help that we seem so desperately to need? With our Nuclear Clock at two minutes to midnight and so many wars and rumors of wars around the world perhaps it is time to embrace these, our long lost gods. Perhaps we have mistaken ourselves for less than gods and our alien brothers from space for the "God in the Bible," as Barbara Marciniak's informant has made clear here. Aren't many of the wars we suffer on this planet born of religious disagreement? Suppose, as the New Age thinkers suggest, that we all know only a little of the truth, been mistaken, and our long held Biblical God is the "gods;" always has been?
Unfortunately this idea doesn't hold water. The Bible is a very interesting book in many ways, one of which involves its prophetic components. The Jewish Old Testament contains 1239 prophecies and the New, 578 (Jackson). Altogether that's 1817 prophecies in the Christian Bible, the majority of which concern what is called the end time or last days. Biblical prophets were put to death if a prophetic word was spoken concerning something to happen within their lifetime that didn't come true and they did a lot of prophesying. Like the mediums and psychics and their "light beings," Biblical prophets claimed to hear the voice of and thereby were spokesmen for Yahweh, Jehovah or the Judeo-Christian God. Many Christians today believe that the majority of "end times" prophecy has come true already and that we are about to enter a time known in Christendom as the tribulation, a final period of seven years..
It is interesting that Jesus of Nazareth, besides claiming sole ownership to the title of God, contrary to what our "visitors” seem to be telling us about the pluralistic nature of the title and our godhood. In addressing himself, Jesus used the name "I Am," a title the people of his day, particularly his own people, the Jews, knew explicitly referred to their one, single God who alone used that name which literally translates into "I Am Becoming" or "I Am That I Am." What's more, the God that Jesus of Nazareth, in his brief career claimed to be, spent a great deal of time telling His "chosen people," the Jews, not to worship other gods or sacrifice to idols associated with those gods at around the time that the bloodthirsty hybrid Nephilim seem to have inhabited a large portion of the earth according to Jewish history. The infamous Goliath is only one of many giants named in the Jewish Bible. This claim to sole Godhood made by this character seems to fly in the face of what the Pledian ambassadors have apparently relayed to us through such willing vessels as Barbara Marciniak. If Jesus Christ wasn't who he claimed to be, he was a liar or crazy or worse and the new age teachings regarding his station as a highly evolved "ascended master" are either poorly researched or those teachings are lies in and of  themselves. Jesus of Nazareth claimed not only to be God, but also the Savior of humanity and spoke extensively about the "Last Days" that, incidentally he said would be very much like the days of Noah, and we've looked extensively at what seems to have been going on back then. The death of Jesus the Jewish Messiah or "Christ," was prophesied hundreds of years prior to his birth as were the conditions of his death, that by crucifixion, a Persian means of slow death adopted by the Roman Empire upon conquest of the Mede-Persian Empire. It was the Romans who would exact it upon him following a midnight trial made illegally to rid the present day Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees of his popularity. (Apparently people liked God.)  He was murdered, as he was born, under explicitly prophetically described conditions that, regarding his birth, were prophesied to the day hundreds of years prior to the event as well as was the name of his birth city, the king who would be in power and so on. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was also prophesied as was his ascension and later return to earth. We're still waiting for that. His return, he said, would be preceded by a period of unprecedented violence as the Earth has never before seen according to Jesus the Christ, during which time a world leader would emerge heading up a one-world government and religion. One must ask, what would it take to convince the world to drop their many faiths and follow one leader and his religion? This leader is prophesied to be accompanied by many "signs and wonders" and emerge, some believe, following an event wherein the believers in Jesus Christ all around the world suddenly disappear as if into thin air "in the twinkling of an eye." This is popularly called "the rapture." Strangely enough, the aliens seem to have a similar plan. In1993, Tuella, another contactee of the "light workers" released this message preparing the world for an upcoming event similar to the Christian Rapture:
There is method and great organization in a detailed plan already near completion for the purpose of removing souls from the planet, in the event of  catastrophic events making a rescue necessary…The Great Evacuation will come upon the world very suddenly.
The flash of emergency events will be as lightning that flashes in the sky. So suddenly and so quick in its happening that it is over almost before you are aware of its presence.
Our rescue ships will be able to come close enough in the twinkling of an eye to set the lifting beams in operation in a moment (qtd. Missler 195). It is clear that these two sources are speaking of a similar event. It is also clear that Jesus of Nazareth made no room in his claims for other gods. It seems almost as though the "light workers, aliens, demons, or whatever we're calling them acknowledge the teachings and predictions of Christ regarding the future, but not his claims of being God, or at least don't want us to know of his claims.  One begins to wonder if, in light of the message given by the UFO entities, how credible is it to think that literally thousands of genuine extraterrestrials would fly millions or billions of light years simply to teach New Age philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult? Why would they do this with the preponderance of such activity already occurring on this planet? And why would the entities actually possess and inhabit people just like demons do if they were really advanced extraterrestrials? Why would they consistently lie about things which we know are true, and why would they purposefully deceive their contacts ( Missler 257)?
Is it possible that the UFO invasion is not the invasion we've assumed it to be? What if these really are the demons of antiquity using a different disguise "tailored to our abilities to understand."
What do we know about demons? Many people assume demons, devils, or evil spirits to be the same thing as the Biblical fallen angels, however, Chapter 15 of The Book of Enoch tells us that demons issued forth from the unnatural sons of the Watchers,
Now the Giants (Nephilim), who have been born of spirit and flesh, shall be called upon the earth evil spirits, and on earth shall be their habitation. Evil spirits shall proceed from their flesh, because they were created from above; from the holy Watchers was their beginning and primary foundation. Evil spirits shall they be on earth, and the spirits of the wicked shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of heaven shall be heaven: but upon the earth shall be the habitation of terrestrial spirits, who are born on earth. The spirits of the giants shall be like clouds, which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise those upon the earth.
This passage not only makes clear that the spirits of the Nephilim will remain on the earth following their physical death in the Great Flood, but also will oppress man in the days following. It seems that this may be precisely what is happening today. Long time researcher, John Keel recently wrote of the epidemic, saying that "the earth is not inhabited; […] it's infested (qt. Missler 250).
It is my belief, after reading piles of books
on the subject of UFO's angelology, demonology, ancient civilization and Rabbinical writings that what we're seeing in the sudden emergence of the UFO phenomenon is a new campaign by a very ancient group of inter-dimensional beings intent on deceiving the world into believing that out existence as human beings is entirely due to a long-term program on their part involving a slow evolutionary process that was initiated millions of years ago, before the dawn of civilization. We have in most every tradition in human culture a record of these "star people" interacting with humanity to produce the religions, technology, and know how that has evolved with that record. I believe that our many compiled mythologies are rooted in the events that took place prior to the Noatic deluge and after which are described in such ancient documents as The Book of Enoch and the Genesis accounts involving defective angels who intermingled with human women to breed giants known Biblically as the Nephilim, and by various other names according to tradition, who destroyed the world and one another prior to the deluge sent by God that wiped all living things off the face of the earth, saving Noah and his family who were found without blemish in the eyes of God.
I see that our history is a record of man's groping toward an end that has been orchestrated from the beginning by these beings who desire autonomy from their creator and control of this world and with it humanity; that we are born into bondage, a deception on an all-encompassing scale designed to deceive us into rejecting our true creator as they have and embrace them for worship as we once did thousands of years ago before the deluge. I believe that the UFO phenomenon marks the beginning of the final deceit that, accompanied by an emerging world religion and government,  exponential technological growth enabling instant global communication, computer consciousness and immortality through advances in such realms as nanotechnology will bring about the conditions necessary for the rise of one global leader known Biblically as the antichrist who will
control the minds of the global population in the name of peace accompanied by miraculous signs and wonders such as we are beginning to see more frequently in our skies today.
The notion that UFOs are visitors from other galaxies is a farce designed by these beings to parallel our cosmological understanding and play on our inherent tendency to believe in the age-old symbols that "signs in the sky" convey. That these liars occupy a dimension, vibration, or frequency higher than our own three-dimensional experience seems clear and very much acceptable in light of emerging theories developing in the scientific community today.
I believe that what we are calling aliens are, in fact, fallen angels and that the names applied to their phenomenon are beside the point. It is their effect on our history that seems important and their intentions seem resoundingly consistent despite the many disguises and campaigns we've known them to herald by in the past.
I believe in the rapture of the church and see that the UFO campaign is partially designed to prepare the remnant of humanity following that event for the explanation of millions of missing people around the world as evidenced in the many channeled messages from so called ascended masters, grays, and star people by new age prophets and mediums, that these people, however good their intentions, are communing with demons or the wicked spirits of the Nephilim. I believe that the hybrid genetic programs witnessed by many so called abductees are designed to create a connection in the collective unconscious of the world with a smoke screen false representation of the mal-intentions of these beings and nothing more. I believe in a literal Satan and that his angels comprise a third of the armies of heaven which are innumerable, that his demons are here with us on earth and have been since the deluge.
I believe that every move made within this campaign is made with intention and the only mistake obviously made thus far on our enemy's part was in the promotion of the murder of Jesus the Christ, who was raised again after three days in Tartarus. It is clear that every move made on these beings’ behalf is designed to leave lasting impressions that shape the beliefs of our cultures, be it through popular media or signs in the sky as we are witnessing in the UFO phenomenon. There is an intention behind our collective mythologies. Our mythologies are carefully crafted through the use of symbols to have an effect on a population and are based entirely on beliefs held due to direct experience, however uncommon and well timed. This explains the banning of graven images and idols by God throughout the Old Testament.
It is clear that history is being rewritten before our eyes and this rewriting will lead to the eventual complete rejection of our Creator and the tribulation world will embrace these "visitors" as gods following the rapture of God's true Church that they will claim authorship of  thereby establishing themselves gods again and setting the stage for their puppet antichrist who will have all access to the global mind coupled with advances in technology including chip implant technology and parasitism of the mind itself, this being the mark of the beast.
I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and the savior of humanity and that his return will mark the dawning of the true New Age and World Order and Millennium as previously imitated by Satan and his shining ones. I believe that these "visitors" are doomed in conjunction with the destruction of the earth, though it is not my intention here to slander celestial beings and can only say as Michael said, "The Lord rebuke you."

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